Let's Work Together

See how partnering with Arevia Power can change your game

Arevia Power believes a positive and strong relationship with our landowners is the best way to start developing any project.

Landowners that Arevia engages with are considered “our partners on the ground” and will be kept abreast of the latest developments throughout the project lifecycle.  We have had success with this approach in the past and believe it’s a fundamental requirement for any successful project.
Arevia can engage landowners both on a long-term lease or purchase basis. If you are a property owner and believe your property is well suited for a solar project or battery storage project, please reach out through the “Contact Us” portion of our website for more information.

With the emerging wave of corporate social and environmental responsibility Arevia is focused and well positioned to service this market segment. Arevia is interested in servicing corporate and industrial loads with clean, renewable energy and is currently building out its portfolio in efforts to best provide this energy at the lowest cost to the buyer.

Arevia understands corporate and industrial customers need tailored solutions to their specific needs, such as meeting sustainability targets, increasing energy locational diversity and procuring load-shaped generation. We are at the leading edge of technology knowledge and trends to ensure that we can quickly respond to needs with innovative and current solutions.
Arevia will work with customers to find the optimal solar + battery energy storage solution.
If you have a Corporate or Industrial load that is in the need of solar + storage or either resource separately, please reach out through the “Contact Us” portion of the website for more information.

By moving quickly to growing and emerging markets, Arevia has the ability to be agile and add value to utility customers through smart siting which equates to a lower cost of energy. Arevia has a continued interest in serving utilities needs across the United States.

Arevia has a continued interest in serving utilities needs across the United States. It was due to the early adoption of large scale solar and battery projects by major utilities that has put the technologies on the map is arguably the lowest cost of energy in U.S. And for this reason, Arevia will continue to take strategic views on utilities which are exploring new solutions and develop projects to solve their needs.

Arevia is constantly reviewing ideas around partnerships and pushing renewable development beyond its current boundaries. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and bringing fresh ideas to the table by working together to problem solve through win-win type solutions.

Arevia has a portfolio of early stage projects in Nevada, California, Arizona and is engaging in additional development opportunities across the country. Arevia is open to a variety of partnerships with landowners, developers, investors and stakeholders. Arevia has a special relationship with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and strongly prefers working with union labor and welcomes union pension fund investment.

Arevia believes a strong relationship and deep understanding of key agencies at the Federal, State and Local governmental levels is critical to project success.

Arevia Power believes working hand and hand with federal, local and state governments from the onset optimizes project success. Early interaction with key agencies allows the development team to anticipate what might be “around the corner.” This is facilitated by open and transparent conversations which help optimize development and provides key solutions to the unique challenges associated with each project. Further each project equates to jobs which impacts every community we interface with. Arevia’s current portfolio would create thousands of construction related jobs and have direct local GDP effect. Arevia will continue to focus on using utility scale solar + battery storage to help the U.S. displace fossil fuels that consume significantly more amounts of water and other natural resources while providing a price competitive alternative.